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Channels of Contact for a Re-issuance of Revised Withholding Tax Deduction Certificate of CNT's Dividend
1. TSD Investor Portal
Member of TSD Investor Portal can download the Revised Withholding Tax Deduction Certificate via TSD Investor Portal at, under the following menus : Report → Withholding Tax Certificate.
However, this service is currently available for Thai Nationals that have applied to be a member of TSD Investor Portal only.
2. TSD Counter Service
CNT's shareholder may contact to receive the Revised Withholding Tax Deduction Certificate in person at TSD Counter Service which is located at 4th Floor, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Building, Ratchadapisek Road (adjacent to Queen Sirikit National Convention Center). The shareholder is required to submit a certified copy of identification document as specified on the hyperlink below (the Revised Withholding Tax Deduction Certificate can be picked up shortly on site).
Shareholder's request for documents (
Download File
3. TSD Call Center
CNT's shareholder may opt to request to receive the Revised Withholding Tax Deduction Certificate through an interactive voice response system (IVR) of TSD Call Center at Tel. No. +66 2009 9000 The system will require the shareholder to send in a certified copy of identification document* via email / fax.
After verification of the certified copy of identification document received, TSD Call Center shall send back the requested document at the desired option that the shareholder so chooses upon call request, either via email / fax (within 1-2 business days) or post (within 5-10 business days).
(Note: * The required identification document is as specified in the hyperlink under item 2 above.)